
Legal Week Magazine Quotes William Marshall on lawyers wary as US-China Trade Tension Escalates

William Marshall was quoted by The Legal Week in its recent article “‘There’s a direct negative impact on our clients’ – Lawyers Wary as US-China Trade Tension Escalates”, concerning the escalating trade tensions between the United States and China, trade lawyer are facing calls from clients to help them understand the actions the Trump administration has taken against China.

The article quotes Marshall as stating that “the Trump administration’s anti-China trade policies as articulated by trade representative Lighthizer and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has caused a great deal of uncertainty and tension for Asian business and for U.S. business in Asia.”  The article went on to quote him as saying that “there’s a direct negative impact on our clients’ corporate planning,” Marshall said. “They are more reluctant to waste their time, as U.S. deals might get caught up in lengthy regulatory proceedings that might ultimately lead to failure.”

The full article can be found on Am Law’s website here.