
Weekly Insights, News & Regulatory Summary 22-28 April 2018


US Sanctions Impact on HK Fintech
24-Apr-2018 Hong Kong is transitioning from a major hub of traditional financial services to one of equal or greater significance in the crytocurrency and fintech space. Whilst the bodies well for the future of Hong Kong’s financial services sector and growing list of fintech companies, the risks and responsibilities of all parties are not well understood. Believing bitcoin and similar blockchain-based cryptocurrencies to be outside of ordinary regulatory control is not entirely correct.  …[MORE]

Inaugural Asia Pacific Trade & Supply Chain Webinar Series
We just held our 2nd Webinar about Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing Adjustments last week! Thanks for all your positive feedback and which definitely help us to deliver more valuable trade and supply chain information to you! Below are some comments from our audience, we hope to see you in our next webinar Customs Considerations of Royalties and Drafting Royalty Agreements on 17 May!
“Well organised and structured webinar. Easier for “commercial/non-customs” departments to understand the importance of actively managing transfer pricing vs customs valuation, and the best practices.”
“Very comprehensive yet easy to be understood. It corrected some of my misunderstanding of the regulations. Thank you!”
“Very informative on the developments in China and the region.”
To learn more about our webinar series, please click [HERE]